With MKL Calce ® ConcreteLook achieves an improbably real surface type in concrete optics in just one operation. The material is applied indoors with a spatula, only one job is necessary to achieve an optimal design. The aforementioned material is supplied with a standard tinting in light grey, further tinting is possible at any time by corresponding pigments as earth pigments or our pasty MKL pigments.

The processing time for this special product is no more than 90 minutes, after which the material hardens and is no longer usable. MKL Calce ® ConcreteLook is mixed with a quirl or by hand, urgently needs to stand for about 10 minutes and then be mixed again lightly. The end result of the standard material is silk-glossy. As a surface coating, we recommend a layer of our special wax Lixia.


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Technical data sheet